Terms and Conditions

1.     Introduction

Thisdocument sets out the terms and conditions (the “Terms”) for the “ThinLizzy Loves Rugby” cashback offer (the “Cashback Offer”). 


The promoteris Brand Developers Limited (NZBN 9429 0316  24053), Level 2, 519-521Lake Road

Takapuna,Auckland (the “Promoter”).


2.     OfferPeriod

00:00 NZST on 5th Oct 2023 to 23:59 NZST on 5th Oct 2023.


3.     EntryRequirements

Theoffer is open to individuals who:

a)    Areresidents of New Zealand;

b)    Areat least 18 years of age; and

c)     Makeany purchase on any products on the Offer Period,

each an“Entrant”.


AnyEntrant who places an order during the Offer Period will automatically beentered.  Entrants may place severalorders during the Offer Period.  Eachorder placed by an Entrant shall be bound by the website terms and conditions the event of any inconsistency between those terms and these Terms, theseTerms shall prevail.  Where all goodswithin a qualifying order are returned under the 30 day “Risk-Free TrialPeriod”, the Entrant shall be automatically excluded from this Cashback Offer.


Oncethe Offer Period is over, no further entries will be accepted.  Orders placed prior to the beginning or afterthe end of the Offer Period will not be entered into the offer and nocorrespondence will be entered into with regards to eligibility.  By placing an order during the Offer Period,all Entrants acknowledge that these Terms shall apply. 


4.     TheCashback Offer

In theevent that the New Zealand National Team wins the Rugby Tournament on 28October 2023 (CEST), all Entrants shall be automatically provided with a fulland automated refund of the full purchase price of their order (up to a maximumof $1000 total order value) via their original payment method. No refunds will be given for theprocessing and handling fee (‘P&H’) (P&H includes postage, delivery andother logistics services). The refund will be processed within 30 daysof the tournament closing ceremony. 


In theevent that a refund cannot be processed, the Promoter will attempt to contactthe Entrant in order to process the refund. If contact cannot be made, the Entrant waives their right to theCashback Offer.


5.     General

TheCashback Offer is valid in conjunction with any other advertised offers,promotions or discounts available on the website during the Offer Period (forexample, buy one get one free offers) but shall not be valid with any discountcodes. 


TheseTerms are to be construed in accordance and enforced in accordance with thelaws of New Zealand.  Any dispute arisingfrom this Cashback Offer is exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of thecourts of New Zealand.


Thepersonal data of all Entrants shall be treated in accordance with our privacypolicy which can be viewed at Privacy Policy – Thin Lizzy


In the event of circumstancesoutside the reasonable control of the Promoter, or otherwise where fraud, abuse,and/or an error or other circumstance outside the Promoter’s control affects orcould affect the proper operation of this Cashback Offer, the Promoter reservesthe right to cancel or amend the Cashback Offer or these Terms at any stage,but will always endeavour to minimise the effect to Entrants in order to avoidundue disappointment.


The Promoter reserves the right toexclude any entries and cancel related orders that it reasonably believes to befraudulent or based on misconduct or where there are reasonable grounds tobelieve there has been a breach of these Terms. This includes where the Promoter believes that the products purchasedare intended for resale.  The Promoterwill be the final arbiter in any decisions, and these will be binding and nocorrespondence will be entered into in relation this clause.


ThePromoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of anycomputer on-line systems, communication network, computer equipment, software,technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, orany combination thereof, including any error, omission, alteration, tampering,deletion, theft, destruction, transmission interruption, communications failureor otherwise, injury or damage to entries or to Entrants’ or any other person'scomputer related to or resulting from participation in the Cashback Offer.Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law, the Promoter(including its officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability for anypersonal injury; or any loss or damage; whether direct, indirect, special orconsequential, arising in any way out of the Cashback Offer.