Into the Heat: The Benefits of Infrared Saunas

‘Sauna’ has been a major buzzword in the world of wellness for quite some time now, but more recently, infrared saunas have emerged as the new big thing. With celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Selena Gomez and Gwyneth Paltrow raving about the practice, it’s definitely a craze that’s piqued the interest of many. When it comes to saunas, we know there are a multitude of benefits to our overall wellbeing, but many of us will also appreciate that there are plenty of beauty related benefits to be had from using an infrared sauna also. But when it comes to infrared saunas, many of us don’t know what they are or what the pros and cons of using them are. We’ve investigated the latest wellness trend to answer all of your questions…


What is an infrared sauna?

Infrared saunas are wooden box rooms that are fitted with infrared heaters. These heaters emit infrared waves which our body absorbs, so the body is heated directly. This is different to a traditional sauna, which heats the air around us, which is why sometimes when we’re inside a regular sauna we must get out because it gets too stuffy. The heat lamps in infrared saunas can produce heat up to 65 degrees Celsius, which helps the body sweat and also increases our heart rate, having similar effects to exercise, but is more manageable and relaxing. The heat that infrared panels can generate can penetrate human tissue much more effectively than the warmed air generated by traditional saunas, so we are able to experience deeper benefits.


What are the benefits of using an infrared sauna?

There are numerous benefits to getting familiar with an infrared sauna, both beauty and wellbeing wise. One of the main benefits to using an infrared sauna is improved circulation. The heat that we absorb from the infrared sauna warms the body which increases blood flow and oxygenation. This can help to nourish and revitalize the skin, giving a healthy and glowing appearance.

Infrared saunas can also help to detoxify the body. The heat that the body absorbs during an infrared sauna session causes us to sweat, eliminating toxins and impurities from our skin and bodies such as alcohol, mercury, and nickel, leaving our skin looking and feeling fresher and healthier.

Infrared saunas also have the ability to boost our metabolism, immune system, encourage caloric burn and can use color therapy (otherwise known as chromotherapy) to boost collagen production in our bodies, as well as uplift our mood.

 A further benefit of infrared saunas is the effect they can have on our stress levels and sleep patterns. The maximum absorption of infrared heat allows for a reduction in muscle tension as well as improved sleep and relaxation, which are essential for skin health and anti-ageing.

Beyond beauty, infrared saunas can be a great option for those struggling arthritis or other forms of chronic pain, as they can reduce inflammation. Infrared technology also has the perk of being able to speed up recovery time if you’re injured.


Are there any cons to using an infrared sauna?

With any new wellness phenomenon, there’s always going to be draw backs as well as benefits. Some cons to using infrared saunas are that they are more expensive to use and operate than traditional saunas and are less time efficient as sessions tend to take longer in an infrared sauna. Infrared saunas are also not appropriate for everyone in relation to certain health conditions, so whilst they are safe for most people, it is important to speak to your doctor if you have concerns.

 In the realm of wellness, infrared saunas are loved by many for their beauty and wellbeing benefits. If it sounds like an addition to your wellness regime that sounds right for you, researching gyms and wellness centers that have an infrared sauna in your area is a great place to start!